Elena Soler, Ph.D.
Elena Soler holds a Ph.D in Social Anthropology from the University of Barcelona (Cum Laude). She has been a visiting scholar at Cambridge University where she carried out some of her doctoral research and a lecturer at Temple University in Philadelphia. Since 2009 Dr. Soler has been living in Prague, where she has been working as a senior lecturer in Anthropology at different Central European programs at Charles University and the University of New York in Prague. Her interests include: Anthropology of Central and Eastern Europe, ethnicity and memory, borders and minorities, transnationalism and globalization, kinship and family studies (particularly Milk kinship cross-culturally), among other topics. In 2008, she was awarded the national research prize in Anthropology, “Marqués de Lozoya” Ministry of Culture, Madrid. This research was published in 2011 under the titled Lactancia and parentesco: una mirada antropológica. After it, she has published other studies,and co edited with other researchers. Currently she is working on a book about the relationship between long term silences (ing) and nation building in Central Europe”